Latest Insights
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Our Founders Story: Professor Jeremy G. Thompson shares his passion for ruminant IVF, research history and future insights of cattle IVF
My passion for ruminant, especially cattle, IVF was born from two things: Being a city lad but with many relatives on my mother’s side were farming, I loved working on farms, the beauty of the country and the enjoyment of working with animals; and appreciating that the research work could lead to real benefits to industries important to the Australian and New Zealand economies. Besides, unlike human IVF, when I began studying ruminant IVF, it didn’t work at all. So there was the challenge there that remains, of improving it.

Art Lab Solutions at EvokeAg 2025
A phenomenal event last week by AgriFutures Australia EvokeAg held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. We Enjoyed the oppurtunity to network and connect

Preparing Donors & Recipients for Ovum Pick Up (OPU) & Embryo Transfer
Good cattle embryos will only get you so far in your quest for pregnancy success which is why preparing the donors and recipients are important in maximising your breeding opportunities.

VitroOne – New Product Launch
We are thrilled to be adding to our product pipeline, introducing our VitroOne – 1-step serum-free culture medium for continuous bovine embryo culture. Supports embryo

What is IVF? The Benefits and Disadvantages…
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a reproductive technology utilised to accelerate genetic gain within a herd. Market analysis shows that the IVF technology is rapidly

Congratulations Gemma Stathatos
Congratulations Gemma Stathatos on winning the ART Lab Solutions Gametes and Embryo Award at the Society for Reproductive Biology’s Annual Conference. A special mention to

40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) in Italy
We had a ‘fantastico’ time in Brescia Italy, for the 40th Scientific Meeting for Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE). A job well done

Embryology Training in Ningxia, China
Our own Jennifer Kelly has just returned from Ningxia, China where she spent the week visiting and training two laboratories on bovine/cattle in vitro embryo

The Forgotten And Misunderstood pKa Of Buffering Systems In IVF Media
Have you observed the following? Let’s say you’re using TCM199, or another 25 mM bicarbonate buffered medium containing phenol red as the pH indicator. As

Mastering Embryology Techniques for Bovine Gamete and Embryo Successful Outcomes
Improving and standardising in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques offers numerous benefits, drives innovation and enhances productivity. Standardisation ensures that IVF procedures are consistent, reliable, and

In Vitro Embryo Production with Commercial IVP Media and Culture Systems: How to Tackle the Future?
Written by Founder, Prof. Jeremy Thompson. As the Founder of ART Lab Solutions and a dedicated researcher in the field of cattle embryo production (IVP)