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ART Lab Solutions at Pitch In The Paddock 2024
Congratulations to Marie Ellul for making it as a finalist at evokeAG’s Pitch In The Paddock 2024 Competition during the Beef2024 event. Marie was able

In Vitro Embryo Production Training
A member of our team Dr. Jennifer Kelly has just returned from In Vitro Embryo Production (IVEP) training trip in South Africa. During this time

Genetics Australia Conference in Geelong 2024
This week, Genetics Australia hosted their first “Today, Tomorrow and Beyond” genetics conference in Geelong, focusing on the future of genetics and cattle breeding. We

Defining Success in Commercial Bovine IVF Labs: A Closer Look
The Repro Group, based in Queensland, Australia have successfully been accelerating genetic performance in livestock through using assisted reproductive technologies. They have been successfuly

Mastering Laboratory Techniques for Bovine Gamete and Embryo Successful Outcomes
Regular maintenance of your laboratory and it’s equipment is important. Maintenance includes calibrating equipment regularly (daily if possible otherwise a couple times a week), keeping

Congratulations Jessica Mulhall
Congratulations Jessica Mulhall for claiming ART Lab Solutions’ Gamete and Embryo award for the Society for Reproductive Biology. Well done on an insightful and intriguing presentation “

39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE)
In September, ART Lab Solutions exhibited at the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE), showcasing its products and

Storing Media: Understanding Its Shelf Life
Embryo production media is a delicate commodity that demands refrigeration to maintain its effectiveness. Factors like exposure to light (specifically radiation) and oxygen, in conjunction

Juvenile In Vitro Fertilisation Embryo Transfer (JIVET)
Written by Dr Jen Kelly. The ability to utilise oocytes from juvenile animals for accelerated genetic gain and rapid multiplication of animals has significant implications

New Product Release – Transport VitroMat Protect
We have developed a new product called Transport VitroMat Protect, a zwitterionic buffered maturation media not requiring controlled CO2 gassing. This newly created product is

Minitube’s Cattle Tech Days 2023
The first ever Cattle Tech Days 2023 was hosted by Minitube Australia in Ballarat, Victoria – Australia, and we heard from leaders in the