Defining Success in Commercial Bovine IVF Labs: A Closer Look

Successful Embryos Bovine IVF ART Lab Solutions The Repro Group

The Repro Group, based in Queensland, Australia have successfully been accelerating genetic performance in livestock through using assisted reproductive technologies.


They have been successfuly using ART Lab Solutions media and vitrification solutions since 2021. One of their more recent results included a live calf rate of 70% from pregnancy with A grade embryos. These embryos were frozen at day 6 of embryo culture.

Breeds used: Red Brahmans; all Dam: BIZP34, Sire: Y3K Billionaire, no large calves or calving problems. The recipients were cross bred and had a background of carrying embryo calves in previous outcomes.

Overall, a great outcome for herd management and acknowledgement of their successful IVF laboratory procedures.

For a closer look at the products available through ART Lab Solutions, make sure to browse our products page.

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