
We help labs worldwide by providing consultancy services, in vitro embryo production training and bovine embryo assays. Discover how we can maximise your research and commercial production outcomes.

Jeremy and Marie


We help you get your lab and team to optimal performance by providing technical advice, laboratory requirements and on-site assessments and recommendations.

People looking into Microscope


Our one-on-one or group training will teach all aspects of cattle IVF on our premises, within your own laboratory setting or online.

bull sperm semen

Bovine Embryo Testing

We provide quality control testing to clients who want control and confidence in using embryo-safe laboratory products and consumables


Marie Ellul consultation


Through consultancy we are dedicated to enhancing the performance of your laboratory and team, whether through video calls or in-person sessions. 

Our expertise has supported numerous laboratories worldwide in optimising their bovine embryology skills, pregnancy results, and overall breeding outcomes. We provide tailored solutions that focus on delivering actionable insights and practical outcomes, helping you achieve quality results and overcome and challenges you may face. 

Partner with us to take your laboratory’s performance and breeding programs to the next level.

Technical Advice

Chat one-on-one with our scientific specialists on embryology technique, and the specific requirements of oocytes, sperm and embryos.

Laboratory Assessments

Reviewing your laboratory environment: includes review of current quality management system, equipment, consumables, reagents and chemicals.

Customer Care

We offer short term and ongoing support for individuals or groups seeking assistance throughout their cattle breeding objectives. Enquire with us today for our pricing.

Embryology Training

Embryology Training Course Curriculum

Our one-on-one or group training will teach all aspects of cattle IVF. 

The format of cattle IVF training is flexible, and we offer training either on-site in our facilities or within your own laboratory setting.

We also offer an intensive workshop (3 day minimum) for those who have limited time but would like to understand the in vitro concepts and participate in a “hands on” embryology experience.

In Vitro Embryo Techniques

In Vitro Maturation

Observing the cumulus-oocyte-complex and analysing what is considered as “acceptable”. Handling of the cumulus-oocyte-complexes.

  • Aspirating cumulus-ooctye-complexes (COCs) from ovarian follicles (source: abattoir derived ovaries).
  • Observing the COC and analysing what is considered as “acceptable” through an internationally recognised grading scale.
  • COC sorting, washing and moving across to dishes or tubing containing ART Lab Solutions VitroMat maturation media. 
  • COCs mature, expand and prepare for fertilisation.

In Vitro Fertilisation​

Preparation of IVF dishes and sperm gradient, sperm preparation and counting, in vitro fertilisation of matured oocyte complexes.

  • Preparation of fertilisation dishes using ART Lab Solutions VitroFert media.
  • Preparation of semen gradient and semen straws. 
  • Semen washing, centrifugation and counting using a haemocytometer to a desired final concentration. 
  • Handling of matured COCs, washing and transfer into fertilisation ‘IVF’ dishes.

In Vitro Culture

Preparation of culture dishes, denudation of presumptive zygotes, observing and handling zygotes.

  • A two-step culture system requiring media changeover on day 5 on embryo development. 
  • Denudation and handling of fertilised COCs (zygotes) using a large bore pipette. 
  • Preparation of culture dishes using ART Lab Solutions VitroCleave PLUS and VitroBlast PLUS media. 
  • Handling of zygotes, washing and moving in culture dishes. 
  • Embryo grading at various developmental milestones; early cleavage, morula, compact morula, early blastocysts, blastocysts, expanded blastocysts, hatching and fully hatched blastocysts.

Cryopreservation of In Vitro Cultured Embryos​

  • Two systems of cryopreservation: Slow Freezing/ Direct Transfer and Vitrification.
  • Our training focuses largely on vitrification and thawing techniques using ART Lab Solutions vitrification media suite. 
  • Understanding the fluidics involved during cryopreservation; collapsing and re-expansion of the embryo.

What will you learn?

This course will allow you to understand the theoretical and technical aspects of bovine in vitro embryo production, learning good laboratory practice, quality control and aseptic techniques. All participants will be provided with thorough protocols and worksheets, enabling the knowledge of our cattle IVF procedures to be carried on.

In Vitro Maturation Embryology Training ART Lab Solutions
Counting Sperm Cattle Breeding Embryology Training In Vitro Fertilisation ART Lab Solutions
Blastocyst embryos in vitro culture ART Lab Solutions

All participants receive thorough protocols and worksheets, enabling the knowledge of our cattle IVF procedures to be carried on.

Need something a little more customised? We can tailor the training to suit your needs.

Bovine Embryo Testing

For Bovine Embryo Assays

Ever wondered whether your laboratory system or consumables could be contributing to poor cattle embryo results?

The bovine embryo assay is a measure to ensure safety and consistency of products, which is fundamental in creating an optimal environment for embryo development and ultimately pregnancy in cattle.

Heart shape in microscope

How we help you.

We provide quality control testing to clients who want control and confidence in using embryo-safe laboratory products.

Items for testing can include, oil, media, everyday laboratory consumables such as plastic dishes, tubes, 4 well dishes, micro-injecting pipettes, and reagents (basically anything that may come into contact, directly or indirectly, with the cattle IVF embryo).

Let us help you

We deliver reproductive technologies that accelerate the improvement of livestock quality, and we’d like to help you do just that. 

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